Date |
October 27, 2008 |
Speaker |
Dr. Yoshinobu Igarashi, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation |
Title |
Construction and analysis of a proteolytic event database, CutDB
Abstract |
Regulatory proteolysis and pathways are important in higher multicellular organisms. It is crucial for health to maintain a high fidelity of regulatory proteolysis. Defects of such a regulatory proteolysis interrupt the biological events, and cause various diseases, including cancer, neuro diseases. Since 2005, we have been constructing a proteolytic event database CutDB. Currently, this database is the largest proteolytic event database that stores over 6400 entries with newly added functions. I will report current status of CutDB and studies of cut site prediction in collaboration with a proteomics team.
This work has been conducted at Burnham Institute for Medical
Research in California.