Genome Frontier Project 1998-2002
Deciphering genetic and molecular networks by comparative genomics and systematic interaction analysis
Principal Investigator
Minoru Kanehisa, Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
The project aims at developing bioinformatics technologies toward understanding the entire protein interaction network of a single-cell organism from its complete genome sequence and functional genomics experiments. Systematic experiments are being performed for the following organisms.
- Synechocystis PCC6803 - gene expression profiles by microarray experiments and protein-protein interaction profiles by two-hybrid system and mass spectroscopy experiments
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae - gene expression profiles by microarray experiments and protein-protein interaction profiles by two-hybrid system and mass spectroscopy experiments
- Bacillus subtilis - gene expression profiles by microarray experiments
- Escherichia coli - gene expression profiles by microarray experiments
The microarray data are publicly made available as the KEGG/EXPRESSION database.
More details in Japanese
Created on March 10, 2000
Updated on June 4, 2001
[ Bioinformatics Projects ]