GNOME: a sequence data management tool to access homology, motif, and other data analysis servers

Toshiyuki Niiyama[1]
Takeo Tokimori[1]
Atsushi Ogiwara[2]
Ikuo Uchiyama[2]
Kenta Nakai[3]

[1]Senri International Information Institute
8-47, Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530, Japan
[2]Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, Japan
[3]National Institute for Basic Biology
3S Nishigonaka, Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan


GNOME is a sequence data management tool through which users can efficiently access e-mail servers for various molecular biological analyses on Internet including GenomeNet. It supports BLAST/FASTA servers for homology searches, PROSITE/MotifDic servers for motif searches, and bget/bfind servers for DB entry retrievals. One of its most eminent features is that it can not only send e-mails for queries but also receive and manage e-mails for replies. In addition, its interface is very user-friendly. Therefore, it should considerably enhance efficient and profound analyses of newly-determined sequence data in both individual biological researches and large-scale genome projects