Abstract |
The field of microbial genomics has grown at astonishing rate since the first genome sequence of Haemophilus influenzae was completed in 1995. Genome sequences of almost 200 microbial genomes are currently available in public databases. The sample of organisms sequenced represent extant microbial diversity. Completed microbial genome sequences represent a collection of > 600,000 predicted coding sequences. At the NCBI, a repository to collect, store and manage data for entire genomes has been created. In addition to accessing the genome records in many useful formats, online bioinformatics tools can be applied for analysis. Primary genomic resources include phylogenetically organized displays, pre-computed relationships and direct access to analytical tools allowing evolutionary, structural and similarity-based perspectives of the data.
Individual protein alignments display integrates heterogeneous NCBI resources offering a variety of display options, that include the distribution of hits by taxonomic grouping, sorting by taxonomic proximity, the best hit to each organism, the protein domains in the query sequence, similar sequences that have known 3-D structures, and more. |